Generate Conf Utility



This is deprecated since pytest-splunk-addon v1.12.0 and latest available version is v1.11.4.

  • The utility helps in creating the pytest-splunk-addon-data.conf from the existing eventgen.conf of the add-on.

  • The utility adds the following metadata required for the index-times tests in the new conf file:

    • input_type

    • host_type

    • timestamp_type

    • sample_count

    • sourcetype_to_search

  • All of these above metadata will be appended with keyword ‘REVIEW’, indicating that these values will have to be filled by the user, depending on the requirements of the add-on.

  • The utility reads the tokens in the existing eventgen.conf and identifies if it can be replaced with any of the new token replacement settings. The new token replacement settings are as follows:

    • src

    • dest

    • src_port

    • dest_port

    • dvc

    • host

    • url

  • As all the above mentioned new replacement settings are for key_fields, a new parameter will also be added i.e token.n.field

  • The new token replacement settings and field parameter will be appended with keyword ‘REVIEW’, indicating the user will have to check for the following:

    1. If the new token replacement settings are applicable for the addon. If yes, then the user will have to fill the appropriate values as mentioned in the spec file.

    2. If the field provided in the ‘token.n.field’, is extracted in the add-on or not. If the field is not extracted, the parameter ‘token.n.field’ should be removed.

How to generate the new conf file?

  • Execute the following command:

    generate-indextime-conf <path-to-addon> [<path-to-the-new-conf-file>]

    For example:

    generate-indextime-conf SampleTA SampleTA/default/pytest-splunk-addon-data.conf


Add-on must contain samples folder, for the utility to work properly.