
Test generation mechanism to verify the CIM compatibility of an Add-on


Includes the test scenarios to check the CIM compatibility of an Add-on.

class standard_lib.cim_tests.test_templates.CIMTestTemplates[source]

Bases: object

Test scenarios to check the CIM compatibility of an Add-on Supported Test scenarios:

  • The eventtype should exctract all required fields of data model

  • One eventtype should not be mapped with more than one data model

  • Field Cluster should be verified (should be included with required field test)

  • Verify if CIM installed or not

  • Not Allowed Fields should not be extracted

test_cim_fields_not_allowed_in_props(splunk_ingest_data, splunk_setup, splunk_searchtime_cim_fields_not_allowed_in_props, record_property)[source]

This testcase checks for cim field of type [“not_allowed_in_search_and_props”, “not_allowed_in_props”] if an extraction is defined in the configuration file.

This test case checks the event_count for the cim fields of type [“not_allowed_in_search_and_props”, “not_allowed_in_search”]. - Expected event_count for these fields is zero.

test_cim_required_fields(splunk_search_util, splunk_ingest_data, splunk_setup, splunk_searchtime_cim_fields, record_property)[source]

Test the the required fields in the data models are extracted with valid values. Supports 3 scenarios. The test order is maintained for better test report.

  • Check that there is at least 1 event mapped with the data model

  • Check that each required field is extracted in all of the events mapped with the data model.

  • Check that if there are inter dependent fields, either all fields should be extracted or none of them should be extracted.

test_eventtype_mapped_multiple_cim_datamodel(splunk_search_util, splunk_ingest_data, splunk_setup, splunk_searchtime_cim_mapped_datamodel, record_property, caplog)[source]

This test case check that event type is not be mapped with more than one data model

  • splunk_search_util (SearchUtil) – Object that helps to search on Splunk.

  • splunk_searchtime_cim_mapped_datamodel – Object which contain eventtype list

  • record_property (fixture) – Document facts of test cases.

  • caplog (fixture) – fixture to capture logs.


Generates test cases to verify the CIM compatibility .

class standard_lib.cim_tests.test_generator.CIMTestGenerator(addon_path, data_model_path, tokenized_events, test_field_type=['required', 'conditional'], common_fields_path=None)[source]

Bases: object

Generates test cases to verify the CIM compatibility.

  • addon_path (str) – Relative or absolute path to the add-on

  • data_model_path (str) – Relative or absolute path to the data model json files

  • test_field_type (list) – For which types of fields, the test cases should be generated

  • common_fields_path (str) – Relative or absolute path of the json file with common fields


Generates the test cases for required/conditional/cluster fields.

  1. List CIM mapped models

  2. Iterate through each field in CIM data model

  3. Generate & Yield pytest.param for each test case

  4. Include the cluster test case as well.


Generate tests for the fields which the extractions are not allowed in props.conf

  1. Get a list of fields of type in [“not_allowed_in_search_and_props”, “not_allowed_in_props”] from common fields json.

  2. Get a list of fields whose extractions are defined in props.

  3. Compare and get the list of fields whose extractions are not allowed but defined.

  4. yield the field list


Generates the tests which should not be extracted in an add-on

  1. Get the list of type=[“not_allowed_in_search_and_props”, “not_allowed_in_search”] fields from common fields json.

  2. Get the list of type=[“not_allowed_in_search_and_props”, “not_allowed_in_search”] fields from mapped datasets.

  3. Combine list1 and list2

  4. yield the field list

  5. Expected event_count for the fields: 0


Generates the tests to check event type is not be mapped with more than one data model

  1. Get a list of eventtype which defined in eventtype configuration.

  2. yield the eventtype list


Generate the test cases based on the fixture provided supported fixtures:

  • splunk_searchtime_cim_fields

  • splunk_searchtime_cim_fields_not_allowed

  • splunk_searchtime_cim_fields_not_extracted


fixture (str) – fixture name


To obtain list object of common fields mentioned in COMMON_FIELDS_PATH


Get all mapped data_sets for each tags stanza from an add-on


tuple – Tag Stanza, mapped DataSet


Provides Data Model handling functionalities. Such as

  • Parse all the data model JSON files

  • Get Mapped data model for an eventtype

class standard_lib.cim_tests.data_model_handler.DataModelHandler(data_model_path)[source]

Bases: object

Provides Data Model handling functionalities. Such as

  • Parse all the data model JSON files

  • Get Mapped data model for an eventtype


data_model_path (str) – path to the data model JSON files


Get list of eventtypes mapped with Data-Sets. The reason addon_parser is an argument & not attribute of the class is that, the loaded handler should be used with multiple addons.


addon_parser (addon_parser.AddonParser) – Object of Addon_parser


tag stanza mapped with list of data sets

“eventtype=sample”, DataSet(performance)


Parse all the data model JSON files one by one


(cim_tests.data_model.DataModel) – parsed data model object


Includes DataModel class which handles the DataSets within a data model.

class standard_lib.cim_tests.data_model.DataModel(data_model_json)[source]

Bases: object

Handles the DataSets within a data model.


data_model_json (dict) – Dictionary of the data model Json file


Get all mapped dataSets for an Add-on’s tags stanza


addon_tags (list) – Contains tags mapped to a stanza


data_set.DataSet – data set object mapped with the tags


Includes DataSet class which handles a single data set

class standard_lib.cim_tests.data_set.DataSet(data_set_json, data_model)[source]

Bases: object

Handles a single data set


data_set_json (dict) – Json of a single DataSet

classmethod load_dataset(dataset_list, data_model)[source]

Parse all the fields from the data_model_json

  • dataset_list (list) – Contains list of datasets

  • data_model – Name of the data model


data_set.DataSet – Dataset object for the given list


Check if the tags are mapped with this data set


class standard_lib.cim_tests.field_test_adapter.FieldTestAdapter(field)[source]

Bases: standard_lib.addon_parser.fields.Field

Field adapter to include the testing related properties on top of Field


  • valid_field (str): New field generated which can only have the valid values

  • invalid_field (str): New field generated which can only have the invalid values

  • validity_query (str): The query which extracts the valid_field out of the field


Generate validation search query:

| eval valid_field = <validity>
| eval valid_field = if(searchmatch(valid_field in <expected_values>), valid_field, null())
| eval valid_field = if(searchmatch(valid_field in <negative_values>), null(), valid_field)
| eval invalid_field=if(isnull(valid_field),field, null())
static get_query_from_values(values)[source]

List of values into SPL list


[“a”, “b”] to ‘“a”, “b”’


values (list) – List of str values


SPL query list

Return type



Generate stats search query:

count(field) as field_count, count(valid_field) as valid_field_count,
    values(invalid_field) as invalid_values


Provides the helper methods to test addon_parser.Field object

class standard_lib.cim_tests.field_test_helper.FieldTestHelper(search_util, fields, interval=10, retries=4)[source]

Bases: object

Provides the helper methods to test addon_parser.Field object

  • search_util (SearchUtil) – the util class to search on the Splunk instance

  • fields (list addon_parser.Field) – The field to be tested

  • interval (int) – at what interval each retry should be made

  • retries (int) – number of retries to make if no results found


Format the exception message to display

  1. There’s no field in the result:

    Source          Sourcetype      Event Count
    splunkd.log     splunkd         10
    scheduler.log   scheduler       0
    Search = <search query>
  2. There are multiple fields in the result:

    Source          Sourcetype  Field  Event Count  Field Count  Invalid Field Count  Invalid Values
    splunkd.log     splunkd     One    10           10           5                   'unknown'
    scheduler.log   scheduler   Two    20           20           7                   '-', 'invalid'
    Event count = 20
    Search = <search_query>
    Properties for the field :: One
    . . .
test_field(base_search, record_property=None)[source]

Generate a query for the list of fields and return the result

Format of the query is:

| eval <validity>
| eval <expected_values>
| eval <not negative_values>
| eval <invalid_fields>
| stats count as event_count, count(field) as field_count,
    count(valid_field) as valid_field_count,
    values(invalid_field) by sourcetype, source
  • base_search (str) – Base search. Must be a search command.

  • record_property (fixture) – Document facts of test cases.



with source, sourcetype, field, event_count, field_count,

valid_field_count, invalid_values keys


Includes JSON schema for data models

class standard_lib.cim_tests.json_schema.JSONSchema(schema_path=None)[source]

Bases: standard_lib.cim_tests.base_schema.BaseSchema

JsonSchema + Parser of the Data model json files


schema_path (str) – Relative or absolute path of the schema file

classmethod parse_data_model(file_path)[source]

Parse and validate the Json file


schema_path (str) – Relative or absolute path of the data model json file


Includes base class for data model schema.

class standard_lib.cim_tests.base_schema.BaseSchema[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract class to parse the Data model files. The possible format can be JSON, YML, CSV, Cim_json

abstract classmethod parse_data_model(file_path)[source]

Parse the DataModel file Convert it to JSON

Expected Output:

    "tags": ["authentication","default"],
            "fieldname": "action",
            "field_type": "required",
            "condition": "action IN ('success','failure','error')",
            "comment":"The action performed on the resource."
    "child_dataset": [
            "tags": ["authentication","default"],
            "search_constraints": "action='success'"